Friday, April 10, 2009

It Came, So I'm Going

When we decided to go on our trip for Corey's birthday, getting a passport was at the top of my list of things to-do.  The day that  I went to get it was beyond stressful - a small amount of time in my busy day to get it done, a long wait and a person that had never used the equipment at the place that I went to take my photo, a Google map that printed in a language besides English, getting lost on the way to the passport office (Imagine that!  I think it had something to do with the foreign directions.), finding out that the passport photo that I had waited an hour for and paid $14 was invalid, a birth certificate that I had used for other official business that was deemed unofficial, ordering a new birth certificate, getting a new photo (at the passport office... for $10.  Who knew I could do it there?!?!), and on and on and on...  so by the time that it was time to pay for everything, I decided to pay extra to expedite it. Get that baby here as soon as possible, so I don't have to worry about it anymore!  

Still, I have worried about it ever since that day a couple of weeks ago.  The date is set.  The trip is paid for.  I was sure hoping that a missing passport wouldn't screw the whole thing up. Today, there was an official looking envelope in my mailbox, and inside....

My first-ever passport!  Woo Hoo!  It made it with plenty of time to spare, and I can honestly say that it was worth the cost of expediting it!  My nerves can rest easy... after I find the key to the fire-proof safe and tuck it safely inside.

So, I guess it's official.  I'm going!  In 4 weeks and a few days Corey and I and our handy-dandy passports will board a plane to paradise, and we are so excited that we can hardly stand it! 


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I can't believe you had such a hassle ... well, yes I can. Glad you got it so quickly and you can relax.

Sara said...

Yippee!!! That's so exciting!!!

amy said...

Awesome! I'm glad it arrived safely & I hope you two have a fantabulous trip!

Elizabeth said...

YEAH!!! I am thrilled you are going on this trip with Corey - the mason. :-) I hope he doesn't start chanting or anything strange like that while you're away. :-)

Jenny said...

Glad you got the passport! You're like an official world traveler now! The sky's the limit!
You are going to love just hanging on the beach!

Mama Jeannie said...

Whew!!! Congrats on the passport. Now then, if everyone will get one, maybe we can plan a family trip to Spain. :0) I'd love to show you all that I saw last year. I thought about my family so much on that trip. I bet you will have stories to tell as well when you get home from that beautiful resort/beach.

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