Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cooper At Preschool

Recently, Cooper's preschool had a carnival fund-raiser.  Here are a few pictures that I snapped of him that day.  The first three are of him riding on the Boogie Woogie Choo-Choo.  My kids have been riding on this local overall-wearing, train-whistle-blowing man's train for years.  I think these pictures of Cooper screaming with delight are so fun!
~ Cooper riding a pony at the carnival ~

Today is a "school day" for my kids.  2 days a week, for a few hours, all 3 of the kids are gone to school.  (Some days those hours seem very few!)  Ironically, today, on this day when I was really excited about maybe - just maybe - working on my blog, Cooper is home.  He has had an allergy attack this spring like none he has ever had.  Last night, he literally looked like he had been punched in the eyes.  See?

So today, as I was sitting in the parking lot of his preschool about to walk him in, and I thought, "Why does he need to go today?  Why not take him home and to rest?  You are only 4 once, after all."  So that is exactly what we did.  We came home.  We have spent time together, sat on the couch and snuggled, and watched a show on the Disney channel.  And now, as I have snuck off to blog - about his preschool, coincidentally - he is singing the Little Einstein theme song in his scratchy little voice (followed by a cough) in the other room.  Yes, I made the right decision.  Some days, you just need to stay home and be comforted and taken care of by your family.  Today is that day for Cooper.

But the other day.... he went to school.

And Corey, Allie, and I went with him.

His preschool class was in charge of chapel that week, and I was so thrilled to watch him and his little 4 year old classmates lead the rest of the preschool in the pledge of allegiance, a prayer, and some songs.  Then, they all showed a picture that they had drawn about Spring and his teacher told a story.  It was so cute!


Debi said...

This pictures are adorable!! Don't you love this age?
Bless you!

Emily said...

There are some great pictures here. I especially LOVE the first photo of his face on the train.
So glad that you guys got a little one on one time today, but that is a bummer that he is not feeling well!

Mama Jeannie said...

Catchin' up on your catchin' up. Love all your posts and your pictures are great! So hope Cooper can get past these allergies soon. I love you.

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