Friday, June 29, 2007

My Rocking Chair

I was just rocking my baby before his nap. We had finished our normal routine of reading books and singing songs, and he was exceptionally snuggly today, so we were just rocking quietly. I got to thinking about all of the good memories I have in that rocking chair. It has seen a lot of things... pastel floral fabric changed to denim, a pregnant mommy stting and dreaming about the baby to come, nursing babies, awake babies, babies that just will not go to sleep, happy babies, crying babies, a crying mommy, and uncountable stories, songs, and prayers. Then I got to thinking about all of the hours that I have spent there in that sacred place. I figured out that between 3 kids, I have spent roughly 5,475 hours in that rocking chair. Although some of those hours were harder than others, I don't regret one of them. Who knew that that lump of wood and fabric would be such a comfort to my soul today?


coby said...

Hi Amy. I was just sitting here reading your blog and I wanted to let you know that I love you. It was great having you and Cooper here the other night, I just wish we could have had a little more time together.

Sara said...

I have tears in my eyes!

Elizabeth said...

Amy, that is a beautiful word picture. Hang in there, I know it's a tough time of year. You are loved.

Amanda said...

Sounds like such a beautiful place to be.

Mama Jeannie said...

Oh my! As I am going down through the unread entries you have made, I am almost in tears at the beauty of things that without purposeful thought, we might otherwise take for granted. Rocking chairs... oh the memories that are there.

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