Sunday, August 3, 2008

Crazy Numbers From My Day

105 - The temperature that it was (in the shade of my back porch) this afternoon
117 - The temperature that it was in Corey's car when I went to run errands this afternoon (Seriously!  I had to wait for several minutes after I started it before I could get into the car without burning my legs on the seat or my hands on the steering wheel.)
108 - The temperature that it finally cooled off to inside the car after the air conditioner ran for several minutes  (No kidding!  It never got cooler than that all the way to the store!)

and on another note...
14 Million - The amount of money that People Magazine reportedly paid for pictures of Brad & Angelina's new babies



Elizabeth said...

Girl, you are NOT kidding either. It it too stankin' hot in TEXAS. Why, oh why, do I live here?

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I know. Why do we live here?

Mama Jeannie said...

Because Texas is home and family? Is that it? However, I will have to admit your same question roams through my mind every sultry suffocating summer. I reeeeeally asked that 'why' question as we were enjoying the cool of the mountains a couple weeks ago. "Lord have mercy! Why is it that we live in Central Texas?"

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