Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Need A Facebook Tutor

I vaguely remember receiving an e-mail request several months ago from a old friend that kindly invited me to join Facebook so I could keep up with her and her family.  "Oh good.", I thought.  "I'd love to stay in touch with her!"  And how cool would I be?!?  I hear people all the time talking about how they are friends with so-and-so on Facebook, how they are addicted to Facebook, how Facebook is what all the cool grown-ups are doing.  I was so excited at the idea of being one of the crowd, but I could almost hear the little voice in my head saying "If all of the cool grown-ups were jumping off of a cliff, would you jump off a cliff too?

Why, yes I would, thank you very much.  

I proudly clicked on the "Yes, I'll be her friend." link, but by the time that I figured out how to be a Facebook Friend, I was totally overwhelmed by the whole creating a profile thing.  I quickly clicked on the little red x at the top of my screen and tucked that memory of being so-close-but-yet-so-far from the Facebook world far far away in my cluttered head.  

Until today.

Today I got an email from Facebook again... a friend was adding me to her list of friends.  Oh goody!  Everyone likes to be invited to be a friend, right?  So I clicked the "Yes, I know her." link, and for a moment I felt that euphoric I'm-somebody's-Facebook-friend-feeling.  For a moment.  Then it hit me.  The memories of my past Facebook experience.  My total lack of trust in the Internet.  My complete lack of technology savvyness.  And after clicking on person after person's familiar face and not really learning a dang thing about anyone, I threw in the towel.  

I want to be a Facebooker.  I really do.  But I look at that page and all of those advertisements and all of the "flare" and "walls" and "mini-feeds", and I am just overwhelmed.  

Does anyone else feel this way or am I the only super un-cool thirty-something person out there?  


Amanda said...

I tried Facebook for about a couple of weeks sometime back, but someone kept trying to give me a plant or something, and I was all, "I'm out." I know lots of people who love it and think it's tons of fun (Leslie Hargus is one), but I'm doomed to uncoolness I guess. If I do anything else, it will probably be Twitter.

Corey Powell said...

Facebook is gay, Doug Linebarger.

Don't click on links in email messages.

Twitter Rocks.

Elizabeth said...

Who else does twitter? I want to know so I can stalk you there too. :-)

I'm glad you came facebook. Ignore all the invitations for applications and only do what you want to. It's fun girly!

Jenny said...

Well, I barely know what I'm doing. Took me a bit to figure out the flair. Basically I just like looking at the walls and seeing what everyone is up to. Personally, my facebook activity is super simple. Glad you joined in!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I hated it at first and I still hate all the plants and nonsense (except Flair) but I like keeping up with people and finding old friends ... that part is addictive. Keep it simple ... it's fun!

chariti said...

I don't have facebook but I think it's funny how we all have blogs, myspace, AND facebook. We are a connected society aren't we?

Mama Jeannie said...

Oh my goodness! Call me old fashioned, but how do all you girls take care of a husband, kids, clean house, do laundry, plan and cook balanced meals, teach your children, drive your 'taxi' here and there, take care of your gardens and yards, stay involved with church and play groups, and then do three different kinds of internet communication with friends and other people who you will never know? How do you do it? I would be sad to miss the day every day if I sat in front of a computer long enough to do all that and I'm already in front of a computer for about 8 hours a day at work as it is. Oh my goodness!!! Oh my stars!... as Claire-bear would say.

Amanda said...

My washer takes 1 hour and 15 minutes per load. That's plenty of time to network. It's about priorities... and sleeping less. :)

Ila Brook said...

Definitely less sleep!! LOL! Nobody is going hungry around here. ;-)

chariti said...

You inspired me... I got one. :)

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