Friday, August 10, 2007

"Little Boy Sandwich"

I just woke up from a night in a "little boy sandwich". These days, the kids don't usually get in bed with us in the night, (That has not always been the case!) but last night both boys had bad dreams and ended up in our bed... and I ended up between them. Was there a full moon or something?!? I didn't sleep that well with them there, but I kept having this thought that I should enjoy their snuggles... they will not last forever. I should appriciate that they run to and call for me and that I can make it better... I know that that will not always be the case. So, this morning I am a little sore and not quite rested up, but I am thankful. Thankful that I get to be the mommy that I always dreamed about being.

1 comment:

Mama Jeannie said...

I'm so thankful you are such a great mommy for my grankids Amy!! I always loved those kind of sandwiches. :0) You do get a bit sore and stiff by mornin' though, don't you? Ah well, you're right those little punkin seeds won't always want to snuggle with their mommy. I love you, Mama

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