Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grocery Store Musings

It's cold here today.  The kids are home from school for an "ice day", and I ran to the grocery store this morning to stock up in case we are "iced" in for a day or two.  There are certain things that you simply must have on hand on cold days... chili, corn bread, hot cocoa, etc.  I typically do not like to go the grocery store, but today I really enjoyed myself while I was there.  I got to thinking about that while I was shopping... and this blog post developed in my mind.  Here is some totally useless information about my trip to the grocery store today.  Can you relate to any of it?

* I love grocery shopping when there is a mild hysteria in the air - whether that be an impending holiday or a snow/ ice day.  To be in a traffic jam with other shopping carts in the bean aisle as everyone is gathering their chili ingredients just brings me a bit of a warm and cozy feeling.

*Going to a grocery store that has a Starbuck's inside on a cold day and shopping with a Peppermint Mocha in hand makes me happy.

*Going to the grocery store by myself... peaceful.

*Getting a phone call from home during my peaceful shopping trip with screaming kids in the background... maddening.

*Saying, "This better be good or your grounded from Wii the rest of the day." then hearing "Nevermind."... Mom-Power!

*Hearing "Singing In The Rain" in the produce section as the veggies are sprayed with water makes me want to sing.

*Marking things off of my list makes me remember what it was like to feel organized and accomplished.

* The bakery lady that smells like Giorgio perfume made me smile as I remembered junior high - my Giorgio wearing days.  

*Pudding that is Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn flavor sounds gross.

*Having an employee actually walk me to the sauerkraut that I could not find is a rare treasure.  Kudos, Mrs. Meat Counter Lady.

*Unexpectedly finding party favors for an upcoming party on clearance makes my day!

*A store where employees pop out from every display with their big ol' smile and greet (scare) me then has 1 checker at the front makes me frustrated.

*I love having all of my groceries rung up THEN having the checker scan my store card while I watch the total bill decrease!  Today... I had a "Remarkable Savings" of 74.29, and that just makes me all giddy inside.

*Having someone offer to take my groceries to my car makes me feel like a valued customer.  I miss the days when that was "normal".


Courtney said...

If my grocery had a Starbuck's in it, I'd be there everyday. I actually got one of those peppermint-mocha things the other day and thought of you. I was hoping you were getting to enjoy your favorite drink as much as I was!

Julie said...

That is so funny.

I 100% hate grocery shopping. I wish I had a little fairy to do that job for me. HA!

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