A couple of nights ago we tucked Cooper into his bed, and he fell asleep. When we checked on him before we went to bed, we found that he was no longer in his bed...
He had evidentially sleep-walked from his bed to his rocking chair and was not only sleeping in a chair... He was sleeping upside down in a chair!
Thanks for stopping by. I'm Amy, and I blog... or at leas I used to. I love my blog, but I have found it so hard to keep up with it in the last several months. It is something that I think about sitting down to do often, but don't ever find the time to follow through on. I am hopeful that I will find time to pick it up again at some point. For now, feel free to take a peek at whatever interests you from the past. I hope to write about current things again someday... For What It's Worth.
I am a thirty-something wife of 19 years to Corey and mom of 3 kiddos - Allie is 15, Jackson is 12, and Cooper is 6. I am blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mom. While at home, I homeschool my kids part-time while I do about a thousand other things. I love it and would not trade it for the world!
Photography, Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper with easy ice and a cup of extra ice from Sonic, Hearing my kids laugh, Amarige perfume, Chocolate, Flip Flops, Pajamas, Napping, Watching movies, Dolphins, Scrapbooking, Holding a sleeping baby, Shopping with my daughter, Sitting in a hot tub, Reading a magazine without being interuppted, Pasta, Vacations, Hot baths, Diamonds, Making jewlery, Snow skiing, Being in the mountains - any time of year, Porch swings, Peppermint mochas, Long talks with friends, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, New York City, Laying in a hammock, Listening to my little one read to me, Sitting beside the fire, Sitting beside the ocean, Watching my kids play together
That's hilarious.
funny kid
Sweet little funny boy.
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