Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Catching Up November: "Cooper has something to tell you." 11/28

As we were decorating for Christmas I had gone into my room for a bit, and shortly Corey yelled, "Amy? Where are you? Cooper has something to tell you!" I came into the living room to hear Cooper say, "I asked God into his heart! I am a Christian!" For our Christian family, that is the best news that we could ever hear - that our kids have decided to give their heart to our God and will someday be with us for eternity in heaven. We were so happy for Cooper and thankful to God that He has called our little boy to Himself.

When I asked Cooper how he came to this decision he said that he and Jack were setting up our nativity, and Jack explained to him that we celebrate Christmas because that is when Jesus was born. He then explained to Cooper that there was a reason that Jesus needed to be born - to save us from our sins and make a way for us to be with Him forever in heaven. He asked Cooper if he wanted to go to heaven. Cooper said yes, and Jack led him in a prayer to ask Jesus to come into his heart. It was as easy as that. A child's faith is so amazing! I know that Cooper has a lot of things that he will learn and grow to understand in his walk with Christ, and I am so glad that he is taking the first steps of that journey. And how special that he was guided to the place of beginning that journey by his big brother?!? For that, I am extra thankful.
Thank you, Jesus!


amy said...

Praise Jesus! That's awesome news!!

Mama Jeannie said...

The angels are rejoicing over this one little one who has asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. Can you imagine the sound in heaven when so many are coming to Him... in droves? Way to go Cooper!! Thank God for Jack who has such a tender and obedient heart.

Emily said...

So sweet! I love that he is a Christian and that Jack is the one that led him to make that huge decision.

Julie said...

Very Cool that big brother led him to the Lord!

Shanan & Shannon said...

the fact that Jack led his baby brother to Christ makes me want to cry. Wow. How proud you must feel as a mother. How blessed is your family to live eternally in Heaven together - all 5 children together one day- God is so sweet.

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