Thursday, January 21, 2010

Catching Up November: San Antonio

On November 21 -22 Corey and I had some unexpected time alone. Sadly, it was because of a funeral that we attended for his dear cousin, Cary. We were really thankful that my parents kept our kids while Corey and I drove down to the Hill Country on that Saturday. After the service, we went on to San Antonio for the night. Though we were exhausted, we enjoyed strolling along the riverwalk for a bit and having dinner on a patio by the water. The next morning, we went for a peaceful walk and had brunch on a balcony that overlooked the river before heading back home.

~ so thankful for time to spend alone ~
Corey and I have always tried to make our marriage a priority. Sometimes that is easier than others, but it is often quite hard. Finding time to invest in each other without the distractions of our everyday life can be difficult. Corey's business is in a stage that requires his attention the majority of most days, and I am kept pretty busy with the kids, homeschooling, etc. This time that we got a chance to steal away - if only for a short amount of time and through sad circumstances - was treasured by both of us. Thank you, Mom & Dad for caring for our kids while we were away.

The last time that we were alone in San Antonio was on our honeymoon 17 1/2 years ago. Wow, a lot has happened in those years. Some good, some bad, some great. I am so thankful that I have had someone as strong and devoted and faithful as my man to walk beside all of this time. I love you, Corey!
(photos taken with our phones)

1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I had no idea you took this trip. Glad you got to have some time together.

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