Tonight. American Idol. David Archuleta sang "Imagine". Beautifully. Perfectly. He is only 16 years old. Beyond talented!
Paula Abdul's review?
“I wanted to squish you, squeeze your head off, and dangle you from my rear view mirror.”
I mean, I agree. He was triple-dipple-fabulous! I mean it!!! I love that kid... and his voice.
But when Paula said... "dangle you from my rear view mirror"... I almost fell out of my chair because I was laughing so hard.
It was not the first time that I cried today, but it was the best.
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2 months ago
Paula's comment was pretty gross, but that kid is amazing! I canntot believe how good he is. He can handle her sounding like an idiot from time to time. We decided tonight if he doesn't win, it will be because of some actual conspiracy to make more money off of him.
Also, he's 16, not 18. He's a baby!
Oops! I knew that...
I loved that too! Laughed very hard.
I still think somebody needs to make Paula a little "David Archuleta" to hang from her rearview mirror! SO FUNNY!
Yeah, I was trying to understand where the heck she was going with that comment. At least she liked what she heard. David seems like such a gentle young soul, doesn't he? I hope he can remain that way as he will surely be in the spotlight many many times during his life.
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