Today I gave my littlest one... and myself... the luxury of rocking him at naptime. He is the 1 out of 3 that we successfully trained to put himself to sleep in his bed. For months and months his habit of self-soothing did not allow for me to rock him. Instead of becoming more peaceful in my arms, he was intrigued that I was with him... and he was ready to play! So... if I needed him to nap - and not play - I was unable to rock him like I had the other babies. As far as I am concerned, there were pluses and minuses to getting my babies to sleep in every way that I have, and overall I am happy with the variety of ways that I have experienced with all of my little ones. Anyway... today was an unusual treat as I sat down in the rocking chair with him at naptime to read him books. Instead, he became still, and I could sense that he needed to be rocked as much as I needed to rock him.
We rocked.
He stared into my eyes, and I stared into his.
No words.
Just unimaginable love.
Finally, I told him to close his eyes and go to sleep.
He did.
I rubbed his hair.
He grew limp.
His eyelashes fluttered in that, "I am not asleep, but I want you to think I am." sort of way.
His brow furrowed with concentration.
I rubbed his forehead, and he became even more calm.
I prayed for him.
For all of them.
It dawned on me that it has been a year almost to the day since I last nursed him.
Tears rolled down my make-upless cheeks.
I wondered, "Is it over?" That stage of my life.
My heart is broken at the thought.
He peeked at me.
One eye.
I remembered that for several days after he was born, he would peek like that.
We called him Popeye.
Then and now... it is as if he is making sure that I am still here. Beside him.
I am, sweet one.

His Popeye face - in the hospital when he was born.
Not much on earth compares to snuggling my babes - still.
That is so sweet and breaks my heart all at the same time. I have tears in my eyes...and I LOVE that you found that Popeye picture of him!
It's so amazing that he's still your Popeye -- that the thing he did as a baby he still does now.
I love that you got to rock your baby today, and I'm praying for you as you figure out life...
I'm here if you need me.
I love this post, it is one of your sweetes ones to date. I, like Sara, have tears in my eyes. Tears for you and what I know you must have been feeling as you held sweet Cooper and wondered what the future holds for you and tears at the thought of holding my final baby one day and realizing that time has slipped away.
I am glad that you had this moment today and I love that you seem to treasure most every moment with your littlest guy.
Oh Amy, your heart is so precious. I ache for you, knowing your desires.
What a tender moment God provided for you in the midst of all this other.
You are loved.
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