Well, my conference is over, and I have so many things running through my mind that I want to put out there into the cyber world. My knight in shining armor is riding his white horse to my hotel right now though, so I will have to compose my thoughts later. Let me just say, if you are a mommy, there is nothing more important in this whole wide world than doing what you do to raise your children. How amazing is it that I get to experience this awesome calling from God... THREE times?!
I have been to many women's conferences over the years, and there is not anything that I have ever been to that compares to The Wholehearted Mother Conference that I just attended. Sally Clarkson has a gift for loving on and encouraging moms like no one that I have ever seen, heard, or read before. This is was my 2nd conference to attend that she has hosted, and I hope to make it to every other one that she ever has. She has written many books - some of them focus on homeschooling, but some are just good ol' mom stuff - and if you are a mom, I highly recommend them. Mission of Motherhood is probably the one that I would say is the first one that you simply must read.
So, there you have it... the not-very-informative-but-very-excited update. It has been a great weekend with a sweet friend, and now it is on to Valentine's Day fun... and a nap. :)
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2 months ago
Amy, you are so blessed to have this support and encouragment from other like-minded mothers. I am thankful that your weekend went so well and that you and Corey got to spend some one-on-one time with just the two of you. Your kids are so great, but I believe all parents need a break on occasion, so even getting away was a healthy thing for your whole family. It was also a very good thing for Dad and me to have some time with Allie, Jack, and Cooper. We love them so much!
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