There, in fact, is another Selke cousin on the way!!! This morning when I was updating my blog, I wanted to write about it so badly, but I didn't want to steal my sister's thunder... so I called her and gently nudged her to... SHARE THE NEWS, ALREADY!!! Now, she has posted on her blog so sharing the news of grandbaby #8 is fair game.
My sister Sara and her husband Beau are expecting their second baby! Little Asher is only 14 months old, so the babies will be 22 months apart. I am so happy for them. They are super-great parents to Asher, and I know that they will handle 2 babies like pros.

They told us their news in the cutest way.... When they were visiting our home this past weekend, the kids were all playing in the living room and Beau was videoing Asher shoot a basketball into the toy goal and doing his other cute little tricks and saying his cute new words. Sara said, "Asher can you say 'baby'?" He said, "Bu Bu". (or something like that) Then, she said, "Where is the baby?", and he pointed to her tummy! So cute! It took me a second to register that he was telling me that she was pregnant... but I finally got it. Yea!!!
Big Brother, Asher
Congratulations Sara & Beau!!!
That's so great!! Your family is growing!
Congrats Sara! What a blessing!
Woohoo!!! More babies to love!
I don't follow your math, but I'm moved by your passion.
Math? I'm confused. But thanks for the blog...and I LOVE that picture of Asher!!!
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