This past weekend I was blessed to be able to immerse my soul and be filled and inspired and motivated.
On Friday and Saturday I attended the annual Wholehearted Mother Conference & Retreat for the 3rd time. This is a conference that is hosted by an amazing woman and her family whose mission is to encourage mothers and strengthen families. And they do. Very well. It was created to support women that homeschool, but it is evolving into a ministry to all kinds of moms - working, single, homeschooling, public schooling, private schooling - all around the world. It truly is the most encouraging and focus-giving thing that I have been a part of in my 12 years of motherhood. I would highly suggest that anyone out there that is raising kiddos run to their local bookstore and get anything by Sally Clarkson or visit her website or her blog.
Every year that I have gone to this conference, I have had the privilege of going with one of my bosom buddies. The first year my sister, Sara, went at the last minute when the friend that I was planning on going with had to stay home with her sick child. Last year, my dear friend, Elizabeth, and I went to the conference together and had a wonderful time. This year my soul-sister and companion, Amanda, and I went together. We had a great time hanging out together and even got to squeeze in a garage sale, a movie, and a nap. 3 of both of our favorite things. :)
After Christmas Amanda called and told me about a gift that she had received that she wanted to share with Corey & me. She had received 4 tickets to the Chris Tomlin concert that happened to be on the Saturday night after the conference. So, after 2 days of learning how to be better mommies and wives, we met our husbands for dinner then we all 4 went to the concert. I had never been to one of Chris Tomlin's concerts, but I have to say I hope that I get to go to many more in the future. Oh my gosh! It was so good. Israel Houghton opened for him, and he was amazing. And Chris Tomlin... I can not say enough about him and his heart and his passion for God. Thanks James & Amanda for inviting us to join you.
Remember that book that I wrote about in this post? Well, Sunday morning I had the wonderful opportunity to see the authors of Same Kind Of Different As Me speak at a church that is not too far from where I live. The night after I read that book in a day, I got on the website... I was just so touched by it that I was not ready for it to end. I browsed around for a while and came across the authors' (Ron Hall & Denver Moore) speaking schedule. Though they live in Dallas - not far from where I live - and much of their story is set in Ft. Worth, they did not have many speaking engagements scheduled here. The ones that they did have were fund-raiser type things that were like $100 a plate. (I love them and their book, but that kind of thing is not in the budget.) So, I was so excited to see that they were speaking at a church near me... and they happened to be doing so the very next week (and not again any time soon). I thought that it was curious that they don't speak at more churches, but when Ron Hall was talking on Sunday he explained why --- He said that when their book became well known they started getting lots of emails asking them to come speak at people's churches and Bible studies. Denver, who had lived most of his life on a plantation, in a prison, and on the streets was curious, "What are these 'Bible Studies' that these white people have? It seems like they are doing a lot of Bible studyin' and not a lot of Bible doin'." Ron & Denver seem to be interested in speaking only at places that are putting some real-live work behind their words. This church that I visited Sunday morning is doing just that, and Ron & Denver agreed to come and speak to that congregation and their guests. It was amazing! I am honored that I got to see these two amazing men in person, that my kids got to see what a difference that one person can make in the life of another one, and what a huge change can come about when you surrender your life to God and the plan that He has for you!
I cannot even articulate right now what the culmination of all of these events had on me this weekend. I, like many others, have been broken. I have been hurting. The constant encouragement that I received this weekend was like a salve to my soul. I would never have planned it this way - 3 big events in one weekend. But God knew. There are no coincidences in life. God is sovereign and weaves all things together to accomplish His plan. He knew when I signed up for the conference months ago that Amanda was going to get those tickets for Christmas - even though Amanda didn't even know. He knew that the conference that was planned months ago would have an emphasis on joy & faith - two things that I have been lacking recently and have been wholeheartedly desiring. He knew that I would be so down one day last week that I would spend most of the day in bed, that Elizabeth would have just loaned me that particular book, and that I would pick it up and read it just days before I would have a chance to solidify the authors' message to me in their own words, in person. I feel like this weekend He hunted me down and overcame me with His enormous love for me. He reminded me that He made me to do great things. The greatest of those things happens to be raising my children. Three little souls that he gave to imperfect me to mold in a way that I see fit. What an opportunity I have to teach them about His love and grace as I am shown both of those things each day by the God of the universe, himself. He knew my shortcomings before I was ever even created, and he still gave me life... and a Savior... and more blessings than I could ever deserve.
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2 months ago
I can only imagine how full to overflowing you are right now! What a blessing of a weekend God orchestrated for you. You are loved!
Wow! I really don't have adequate words right now. I'm so happy for you - that you had such an amazing weekend, and that God did so many cool things in your heart. I love it when that happens! It's so special! I love you!!! I'm inspired by just the few things that you've shared so far about this past weekend. I can't wait to hear more...and to read Sally's book.
Let me just say that if I weren't sitting here at work, I would cry with abandonment; sob loudly at hearing how the love of God has covered you this last weekend and about His love that continues to hold you forever close to His heart. I will have to settle for tiny tears welling up and ready to spill over. Amy, I am touched by the revelation you have known already, yet have embraced in a fresh new way. I am thankful you have been encouraged in every area of your life Amos and this mother's heart is blessed to know about it. I'm sure the words you have spoken today will impact for eternity all who read you.
I'm so glad you had such an unbelievable weekend, and I'm so grateful to have been a part of it. I loved all our time together.
What an incredible weekend and I just love that you came out of it so refreshed and full of the knowledge of God's love for you. I truly thought you looked full of joy when I saw you on Sunday night at the store ... it was in your eyes.
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