My nieces Skyler & Chloe are staying with us for a few days, and I took them and my kids to the park to meet my sister, Emily, and her daughter - another of my nieces, Claire, today. It was so beautiful outside, and we enjoyed eating our picnic, feeding the ducks, and playing at the playground in the 80 degree weather. There are many more pictures to share... but this having 2 extra kids thing is keeping me quite busy. Maybe I'll post more when everyone is tucked into bed tonight... Maybe I will run with fury to my own bed once they are all asleep and worry about posting again in 2 days. :) We'll see.
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2 months ago
That's a fantastic picture! Hang in there ... what a great favor for your brother.
Cute pic Amy!! Sounds like you've got your hands full in a good way!
Love that picture!!! Too bad the Waterses weren't in it. =)
I know, Sara! I told you that you should come. :)
I love that picture! It was such a fun time. Claire is asking where her friends the cousins are this morning.
so cute. the kids are so lucky to have so many cousins close in age.
Awwwwww, such loving and beautiful grandkids that I have. :0) Love the pic so much Amos. Very sweet of you to give your brother and your sis-in-law a break for a couple days.Blessings, belssings, blessings over you today sweet girl.
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