Wednesday was Jack's actual birthday. He woke up with big plans for pancakes, some family time, a trip to the city, a trolly ride, and lots of video game playing. I think that all of his birthday wishes came true - plus some.
I made Jack a special pancake for his birthday breakfast.

Jack chose to divide his birthday gifts up through the day and open some at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After his breakfast, he got his "big gift" - an air soft gun. He was VERY excited about it!

After a morning of festivities and work for Daddy & homework for the rest of us (yes - it is a necessary bummer to do homework on some birthdays), we all headed into the city to have a special lunch and ride the trolley. Lunch at Bread Winners was delicious and the trolley ride was very fun... and free. :)

On our way home from Dallas, I asked Jack what he wanted for dinner. His answer - "Steak". That's it. No baked potato? "No, that made me want to puke last time I tried it." Try to think of some vegetable that you want to eat... "Cucumbers." That's it? Steak & cucumbers? "And carrots." So, that was his if-he-could-have-anything-he-wanted birthday dinner.
Steak, Cucumbers, & Carrots

After dinner he got a set of drum sticks that plug into his iPod that he can drum along to songs with, and he and Allie had fun playing together with those. Also, Allie gave him a gift that she had seen a few weeks ago and thought was perfect. (and it is) It is a t-shirt that says, "Just one more level. Just one more level. Just one more level." Etc., etc., etc. He and Cooper are very good at saying that phrase on a daily basis when they are asked to stop playing video games. :)

Corey is always so sweet to take a good portion of our birthdays off, so we can do special things as a family.

What a great birthday. It sounds like you were hanging out in my part of town for lunch and the trolley ride. Happy Birthday Jack!
I use to live in uptown....the girls loved riding the trolley....and mommy loves Bread winners!!!! What a great birthday!
What a great day. Love the pancakes. Can I come to your house for breakfast on my birthday?
I love how you guys celebrate birthdays. I hope their spouses can keep it up one day. You have set the bar REALLY high. Glad he had a special day.
What a fun birthday. The letter is just precious.
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