On Sunday we had a PJ day at home and kind of recovered from the previous days' activities. It was nice to hang out with family in a low-key kind of way without an agenda. Here are a few photos of the kiddos from the day.
~ Jack & Skyler ~

Chloe is 4 months older than little Ainsley, and she could not get enough of the real-live-baby-doll-cousin this trip. Right now there are still so many differences in them developmentally. It is funny to think that in a year or so they will be running around and playing together.
Ainsley has started sucking on her fingers and thumbs sometimes. At one point, she was sucking her 2 fingers like Cooper does. I was a second late in getting a picture of it, but you can kind of tell that she had been sucking her "Cooper fingers".

Chloe is the happiest little thing!
Just looking at her makes me smile!

~ Sweet Claire Bear ~
Cooper loves it when his cousins come to play!
During the Super Bowl, Allie and her friend Katie got dressed up in their crazy Steelers-fan clothes. Notice the hair...
Not to be outdone, Jack created a Cardinal's costume for himself.
The girls also provided us with half-time entertainment - a song that they had written.
~ loving on Asher before he left to go back to Oklahoma ~

I have to say that I loved the game. (Much to my friend Randi's disbelief, I love me some football!) The last few seconds, everyone in my living room was screaming at the TV with excitement... which scared the little ones half to death. I liked most of the commercials, but I swear I will never spend a dime with Go Daddy - whatever the heck they are. Can you say, "Football is a Family Show!" ? I could have done without the half-time show (the one on TV - not Allie's), but I adored Jennifer Hudson singing the Star Spangled Banner. It made me cry, and if I had been there, I think that I would have run through security to go hug her neck!
I love the cardinal costume, that is too cute! I'm very impressed with the creativity behind that costume.
Looks like fun! Those kiddos are all so cute. The Selke's have some strong genes because I see a huge family resemblance in so many of them.
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