Cooper & I have been very blessed to be a part of a playgroup made up of wonderful mommy-friends for me and toddler-friends for him. These 6 little buddies have gotten together at least every other week for a year and a half and are truly becoming each other's little friends. Most times that we meet we get together at someone's house and play or go somewhere toddler-friendly together. Tuesday we had a Valentine party since we will not meet again until after the real holiday. This was our 2nd Annual Valentine Party, and it was hosted at the home of Luke & Lila (by their mommy, Randi).
~ 2009 ~
Lila * Cooper * Claire * Jonathan * Joshua * Luke
~ A Year Ago in 2008 ~
I told Randi that she was now committed to keeping this couch and hosting the Valentine party for the next 16 years (We've decided that we are going to have Playgroup at least until the kids are out of highs chool. ), so we can get this same picture each year. :)
Jonathan * Claire * Lila * Luke * Cooper * Joshua
(J & J could be mixed up. They are identical twins, so I am always confused about who is whom unless they are color coded. :) L & L are twins too, but they are much easier to keep straight. :) )
~ ready to exchange valentine cards ~
(Thanks for the cute basket Mrs. Randi!)
~ giving Claire a valentine ~

~ Cooper after the card exchange ~

I love it that my sister and my niece have been able to become such a part of our everyday lives. Cooper & Claire are best buds, and they love to play together! If a few days goes by without seeing Claire, Cooper is asking for her. When they finally see each other they get so excited!
Even though there is a big age difference, some of Allie's clothes have been handed down to the cousins, and I love it when I see them wearing the things that I have sentimental memories of my own little girl in. The dress that Claire is wearing is one of those things. Allie wore it to my grandparents' 50th anniversary party. I thought that she was the prettiest thing that I had ever seen when I put it on her. I love seeing Cute Claire in it too!

Every party has sancks! Here is Cooper eating Mrs. Cheryl's yummy jello.

1 comment:
That was fun. I love that group of kiddos. You're right - Luke and Lila are a bit easier to tell apart! :)
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