Last week, the kids and I had a big coin-rolling party, and after a few cramps in our hands that were covered in money-filth, we proudly stacked up our many coins and few bills and headed to the bank.When we walked through the door of the bank, the teller looked up and saw us and almost yelled, "Oh, lord!" in a slightly annoyed voice. I was taken back and asked her if banks still accepted cash money... she conceded that they, in fact, did and proceeded to count the rolls upon rolls of coins that were in our very heavy boxes. When it was all said and done, I was pretty proud of the fruits of my labor and could not wait until Corey's birthday rolled around, so I could surprise him. I even came up with a little poem that I stuck in a card that clued him into what I had been doing in preparation for his 40th birthday all year long...
And take a break from this zoo.

Corey also received other cards and gifts from the family...
Jack's card included hand-made coupons that he created for his daddy.
Usually, if we give cards in our family they are homemade, but this year I took the kids to the store and let them choose one to give Corey. Cooper's is a dog in a spaceship that says "To A Special Boy". :)His other big present from me was a book of letters from our families that I had been working on collecting for him for the last several weeks. The little book is full of words of love and encouragement and memories for Corey. I think that he really liked it and hopefully he will look back over the kind words often and remember how he is loved.
I love it!! What a fun surprise, and what a great presentation! I can't believe you had to ask the teller if they still take actual money -- a sign of the times, I guess. So, any ideas where you're going?
You are a great wife! I love that you worked so hard to make his day special and give him gifts you knew he would appreciate. The lady at the bank is a bit of a punk if you ask me.
What a neat idea, Amy. I love that you were able to surprise him like that.
I am SO impressed!!! You were so thoughtful and diligent for planning for such a GREAT gift ALL year long!!! He's lucky to have you, and I know y'all will have a great time on your beach getaway! I love you!
What a great way to save up for the big gift. You are so good to be so disciplined with it and not be tempted to blow it on something else during the year.
Can't wait to hear where you are going to take your trip.
Yeah, and when we turned in our boys change at the bank they weren't too happy with us... it's kind of ridiculous b/c it's money and they are a bank, so isn't that their job?
You should have gone here.
Amy, you are ridiculouly amazing. I've heard the term "ridiculous" as a huge compliment on American Idol. Kinda funny, but it 'ridiculous' means that, well then, you are at the top. Love how you love and I know Corey is beyond blessed. Isn't it something how people have jobs and do specific things... like a teller counting money at a bank... and then resent it when people bring some to be counted? Good grief! The woman had a machine to do the actual counting for Pete's sake! The epitomy of laziness.
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