I have a few minutes on my hands, and I don't have much to say... but my blog is boring me to death, so I think that I'll tell you about my day. Feel free to skip right ahead to the next blog on your list... :)
It has been a good day.
The day started a bit earlier than I prefer... due to a 3-year-old that invaded my bed... which made it a bed full of a couple of people that snore and an insomniac... Because of all that, Corey and I were awake and at home at the same time this morning - something that doesn't happen very often. To celebrate (and becasue we kind of like each other and just wanted to hang out and wake up together), he made a pot of coffee and a fire in the firepit in the backyard, and we shared a good talk and a green chili bagel from Einstein Bros. (Have you had one of those?!?!? Seriously. A piece of heaven. And I don't even like green chilies.) Once the kids woke up, the morning was full of chores and schoolwork and baths and art class for the kids and I & work for Corey. Then, this afternoon Allie and I headed out to do some errands while Corey worked from home, supervised the boys, and waited for a repair man to come fix our oven and garage door. First, Allie & I went to my eye doctor's office and got my much-needed glasses ordered. (I still have the ones that I have had for about the last 10 - 15 years (give or take a few). After my last allergy attack and my absolute resolve to NOT be seen in public in those horrific glasses, I decided that I might need to get some that are not so ummm... hideous... for the next time that allergies attack and my eyes need a break from my contacts.) After the optometrist's office, we had a late lunch together and did some shopping for an upcoming birthday (someone is turning 40 next week) and an Easter dress for my girl. We got home to 3 happy boys and a newly repaired oven and garage door. In a few minutes, I am off to get my hair cut and highlighted... a fave on my list of What Makes Me Happy.
It has been a good day.
So, there you have it - a peek into a day in the life of Amy. Or at least part of a day. These days, every one of our days is different from the one before. All of them are full of taking care of kids and some involve more traveling in the car than others... and all of them are exactly where I want to be.
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2 months ago
Sounds like a good day - especially coffee by the firepit ... I love that!
I liked this post. It was a little more like my "boring" posts than what you usually do - but I didn't think it was boring at all. =) Love you! Thanks again for coming yesterday! I would say it was worth it. =)
I love mornings like that Amos and I'm glad you and CP got to have one. Makes me want to make a fire in our fire-pit. Good idea Corey. Love the both of you. Happy B-day in a day or so CSP. Love you like a son. J
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