There is a blog that Allie and I love to read that is written by a really neat lady that is an amazing photographer. This week, with St. Patrick's Day on the horizon, she posted several pictures that she had taken of green things. (Her pictures are BEAUTIFUL, I might add.) This morning Allie and her friend Grace spent some time looking for green things of their own to photograph, and this afternoon I joined in on the fun. I hope that Allie will post some of her photos tomorrow. For now, here are some of my favorites that I took today.
I found these on the counter today (along with the newly decorated special-plate and some serious art work on the kitchen floor).
Cooper's nickname is Turtle (because of the cute little turtle face that he made when he was a baby), so over the past few years we have collected quite a few turtles for him.

~ Allie & Grace ~

When I went to take a picture of the boys in their green shirts, I could not resist taking this picture. They were playing Wii... this is the place that they would spend most of their time, if I would let them. And how cute is Milly?!? I thought that she looked so cute laying on the floor by her boys.

~ Coop ~
~ Jack in his Baylor shirt & cap ~
... and Allie spends a lot of time here. At my desk. (I love this green lamp.)

This is how she always sits.

I've mentioned my Fiesta cups before... I love them! The green one was begging to be photographed today.
This green bowl is one of a set that I received from my great-grandmother's things when I got married. Mamaw had 4 brightly colored, different-sized Pyrex bowls. Sadly, 17 years later I am down to 2 bowls - yellow & green. I have always used them because I love them, and they make me think about her each time that I stir something in them, but I decided after the little red one broke recently that I will not use them so much anymore. (And now, more colorful Pyrex bowls are on my list of things to look for at thrift stores along with Fiesta Ware.)
LOVED this post!!!
OH, I commented on the next entry before I had read this one. You were talking about ResolvedToWorship, weren't you? I'm so glad you took all these photos too and that you gave an explanation for each one. So fun! Love you sweet girl.
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