I contemplated naming this entry, "The Bad Blogger Returns", but I thought that I'd go with something a little more charming. That's just how I am. ;) Seriously!?! What's been up with me?!? Well, I could tell you... but then I'd have to kill you. Or maybe that should be... but then the boredom would kill you. Which ever. Honestly, things around here have been far from boring, but they have been busy and crazy and overwhelming and stressful and tiring. You know? All that stuff that everyone lives through, but no one likes to talk about. The stuff that seems huge in the moment, but really isn't when you step away from it and see that it is just a blip on the radar of life. Anyway - I guess there was no time or energy for bloggin' in the midst of all that. But here I am. Today. Finally. A solid hour to myself. (since I banished the Bad Baby to bed until I have to go get the big kids from school... Don't worry, I don't really think he's bad. {kind of}). Let's see if I can get this blog entry finished before then.
Last weekend - actually, the weekend before that - after Asher & Ainsley's Special Day, my kids and I spent the night in Oklahoma, so we could spend some time with my sister and her family. We didn't have anything on the agenda, and that was nice. Sunday night Sara & I took the kids (except for baby girl, Ainsley) on a walk. Not just any walk though. It was a long walk! Sara & Beau live at a church camp, so there is a lot of land that is available for walking around on and exploring. It was fun and refreshing to be outside enjoying nature... and my sister and nephew.
~ Asher ~
~ Cooper ~

~ Jack ~

~ Allie ~

~ Sara & Asher at an overlook ~

~ a view of the lake ~
How incredibly cute is this? Small, medium, and large boys! And each one trying to keep up with the one that is just bigger than himself.

Allie took over the camera for a while and took some cool photos.

~ Heading Home ~

Stay tuned. I am hoping - really, really hoping - that I can get a few more things posted today. But remember that busy, crazy, overwhelming thing that I was talking about? It kind of sneaks up and grabs me ever so often, so I am not sure when I'll have a chance to sit down face-to-screen with my computer again. Until then...
I love the pic of the kids running up the path and how you added the blurred edges!! Actually, all of the pics are fabulous and it looks like y'all had a blast!!
My turn to encourage you my "virtual friend." I'm thinking about you and hoping that the busy, crazy, overwhelming thing(s) settle down soon. Wishing you peace!
I hope the overwhelming part settles soon and that you can just relax ... and blog again! :) I miss your posts. Great photos from your time with Sara.
I LOVED this post - your humor, all the pics, and the memories! Thanks for posting it!!!
Love all the pictures and I love that all of you had such a great time on your nature walk through the camp wilderness. Allie, your photography is amazing! LOVED the pic entitled "Tennis Shoes and Flowers". Yes, I think I'll start naming your story pictures... unless you do it of course. :0) The broken branches and bare trees against the sky were so interesting and beautiful as well. Both you and your mama, Allie, have a beautiful gift to share with the world. I love you.
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