Yesterday's trip to Ikea might have inspired young Cooper to jump on the "Potty Train" one more time. Last summer, we took a stab at potty training (see here) and didn't do so well, so I put it on the back burner with plans to revisit the issue when Coop was closer to 3. Well, yesterday at Ikea Jack got to go to the indoor play-place while I shopped, and much to Cooper's dismay... he did not. They have a no diapers rule there. So as I checked Jack in, Cooper sat in his stroller yelling hostily, "I have underwear on my bottom!" (when in fact he was wearing a diaper). I explained to him that he could go play at the play-place when he got potty trained, and we have talked a lot about it since then. So, this morning he said, "Mommy, I want to potty train." I excitedly said, "Okay." He followed with, "Is it big?" I was confused. He asked again, "Is it big?" I said, "Is what big?" He answered, "The Potty Train."....Oh!!!! I thought sure... if you want to imagine that, go right ahead. Whatever gets you out of diapers and on to the potty. Then he ran into the bathroom, looked at his little potty, and exclaimed, "Is this my Potty Train?!?!" So, it looks like the window of opportunity is opening. I am just not sure if I am ready to do what it takes to make it happen. I am still up to my eyeballs in boxes, so the thought of adding anymore mess or chaos to my life right now is a bit daunting. I am sure that updates will follow if we in fact jump aboard again any time soon... followed by another trip to Ikea. :)
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2 months ago
Oh girl, boxes or not, I don't think you should pass up readiness. A trip to IKEA is a real incentive.
Boy, am I jealous!! I'm hoping we get to join you on that train sooner rather than later. Good luck!
Don't miss that window! I missed it with Emma, and now I'm totally regretting it.
Good luck.
Everyone told me boys were harder to train than girls. They never met my daughter. Brendan was actually a breeze to train (he had incentive too - he wanted to move up to the big boy class in school). Every day, he tells me proudly that he is in the big boy class. I wish the same triumph for you.
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