~~~ Happy Easter! ~~~
Our family has had a great day so far. When the kids woke up, they had fun going through their baskets and seeing what the Easter Bunny had brought then we all got ready and went to church to truly celebrate Easter. After church we went to a little treed area with a fountain to explore a bit and try to get some good photos of the kids. We decided to have our big home-cooked meal for dinner, so for lunch we went out for Chinese food (How Eastery, huh?) then came home for an egg hunt in the backyard (pictures to follow) followed by a nap and/or a movie (no pictures to follow). It has been a good, relaxing day... different from all Easters before, but good. We are learning about flexibility while still incorporating our traditions during this crazy stage of life. I am proud of my little family for going with the flow even when it different than what we are used to.

Now... I am off to take that nap while my boiled eggs cool. We still have egg dying, cooking, and game playing to fit into this holiday. :)
amy, your children are so beautiful! wow! I'm glad you guys had a fun day today. Happy Easter!
Great pictures! Your big kids look so grown!! And that Coop has a charm about him.
I flippin' LOVE those pictures!!! I am glad that you are having a great relaxing Easter.
I'm chiming in on loving all the pictures. Girl, you have such an eye, and your kids are so photogenic.
So glad your holiday was lovely and relaxing in spite of all your recent upheaval.
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