My buddy Elizabeth tagged me for this one.
The rules: "Look up from the computer, look around the room where you're sitting and pick up the closest book. And closest really means closest. No cheating by running upstairs to unearth your pink-highlighted college copy of The Critique of Pure Reason or the Prolegomena. Open the book, turn to page 123, count down to the fifth sentence on that page, and then post the next three sentences."
Here is an excerpt from The Kite Runner, the book that I am reading right now.
What I remember next is the blinding light of early morning as I climbed out of the fuel tank. I remember turning my face up to the sky, squinting, breathing like the world was running out of air. I lay on the side of a dirt road next to a rocky trench, looked up to the gray morning sky, thankful for air, thankful for light, thankful to be alive.
"We're in Pakistan, Amir, " Baba said.
Tag, you're it.
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2 months ago
I played
Oh fun! I would have tagged you, but I assumed all your books would be packed away. Thanks for playing!
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