My 2-year-old niece, Skyler, is spending the night with us tonight while her daddy is on a fishing trip and her mommy is at a bachelorette party for a friend. She has been so fun to have around... and a reminder of the difference in the pitch of girls' squeals and boys'. :) It is always fun to watch her and Cooper play and even fuss a bit as they learn more about sharing and patience and things like that. She gives out "I love yous" freely, and she is easy to love!
Tonight I was laying down with her as she was trying to go to sleep. She was a little sad. She missed her mom & dad, but I was able to read to her and talk to her to distract her a bit. After laying and chatting for a while, she said, "MiMi, I am going to grow up... and I am going to leave here." I was sad that she wasn't quite comfortable, and I said, "Oh Skyler, I am going to miss you so much. Where are you going to go?" And she said, "I am going to a party with my mommy's friends. They are going to be my best friends." Then a minute later... "But I luuuuv you, MiMi. And I love holding your finger." I melted.
A few seconds later she said, "I am going to close my eyes now." And we dozed off... holding each other's fingers.
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2 months ago
1 comment:
That is so sweet. I just hear her saying that. A precious moment.
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