My whole life my family has had a tradition of leaving our Easter shoes (sometimes new, sometimes not) out with our baskets on the night before Easter for the Easter Bunny to fill. I remember as a child excitedly placing my basket on the kitchen table with my shoes beside it (at just the right angle) each "Easter Eve". As I got older, I realized that no one that I knew had the same tradition with their shoes... I have no idea where that tradition came from. (I need to ask my grandparents.) Anyway... Corey and I are big tradition-people. We love them. Our kids love them. They connect us and give us a legacy and an identity... even if it is a bit unorthadox. :) So, here is one of the many many traditions that we have and love... What are some of your family's Easter tradions?

That's so interesting! I've never heard anyone who's done that. It's like a take-off on the European Christmas tradition.
Easter traditions? Well, we always have lunch/egg hunting/bunny cake making at my mom's. Other than that, and church on Easter morning, that's it.
Love the shoe deal!
I love Easter shoes -- ask your grandparents. I'd love to hear the history. We have no traditions to speak of, other than church in the morning and ham for lunch. In all other respects, we totally wing it.
Easter shoes came from my dad/your grandad Hennigh's side of the family from what I remember. I'm just guessing, but I think probably there were so many kids and little access to Easter baskets or all the Easter surprises that have evolved in this modern American culture. Grandad's family would hard-boil eggs and then color them. You'll have to ask him if they got candy along with the boiled eggs. The fun was just simply hiding those eggs and finding them. Plastic eggs with goodies inside is a very recent thing I believe. I do wonder, now that I read the Dukes comment, if maybe putting out Easter shoes is an ancestral or European culture thing back before Gdad was born. It would be interesting to find out, wouldn't it? Also, I just recently heard of another Easter tradition that sounds so fun. A different color of yarn for each child winding its way throughout the house. At different intervals there is an Easter surprise; cards or pictures depicting the story of Jesus' resurection along with candy and other fun things. Each child follows his or her string and ends up at their very own Easter basket. As these girls of this particular family have grown up into teenagers and now college age girls, their mom thought of another fun thing to do at Easter. She goes all over town purchasing fun little gifts or leaving homemade gifts or keepsake letters at friend's houses or other significant locations. She leaves each gift at the store or friend's house or wherever with a clue to the next clue and gift, etc. and so on. An Easter scavenger hunt on the Sat. before Easter. Fun fun fun. :0)
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