So many boxes!!! Time for a bloggin' break...
This morning I had the most odd experience... I was coming home from taking my kids to school and Coop to my sister's house and was about to turn onto my street when I saw a small, white Westie-like dog with a collar and tag running down the road. I thought, "Aww! What a cute little dog. Maybe I should catch it, look at its tag, and call its owner."
Then it happened....
The dog must have sensed my kindness or thought that he recognized my van or maybe he was just a psycho dog because he DARTED at my van as I sat in the median waiting to turn. He then started barking and circiling my car over and over making it impossible for me to complete the turn onto my street. As I sat in the middle of the street, I started honking my horn in hopes of scaring him away. It didn't work. He just kept circling. I was scared that I might run him over if I proceeded, but I slowly started driving hoping that the moving van might discourage him. Nope! Not one bit. He continued to chase me. On the long, straight part of my street, I sped up hoping to lose the little devil-dog, but his little legs just sped up too. I entered the alley and pulled up into the driveway, and he continued his run-around-the-van-and-bark routine. I was scared to get out of the car as the dog had shown his crazy colors to me, and I was almost certain that he would take a bite out of my leg if I did. I called Animal Control from my cell phone, and asked the lady if she thought that I would be okay to get out of the car... "He's just a little dog", I said. She advised me to "Use your own judgement." in that "I wouldn't risk it" kind of way. She also said that she did not know when the officer would be able to get to my house. So I sat. And sat. And no, the little white dog did not forget that I was in the car. He circled and barked and circled some more. Finally, a black car drove down the alley, and the dog decided to go harass that car for a while. The poor black car just sat in the alley honking his horn. I decided that this was my chance to make a break for it... but not through the garage, like usual. I was afraid that the sound of the door opening would alert the beastly dog and/or that he would come into my garage and never leave. So, I ran through the gate into the backyard. Not until I was standing at the back door did I realize that I have no keys to my new house... only a garage door opener. I would have to go back out of the gate. By this time, the black car had escaped the lunitic doggie, and it was ready to pounce on me again. I would have just waited it out in the safety of my backyard, but it was starting to rain and get cold. I was only wearing flip-flops, and I was starting to freeze. I remembered seeing some gardening tools outside of the fence before I entered the yard, so I planned my escape. I opened the gate, grabbed a pitch-fork, and opened the garage door (which the small dog noticed immediately and ran into, of course). I called for him in my sweetest, "here puppy, puppy" voice, and thank God he fell for it! I gently pushed him into the yard with my pitch-fork, ran inside, and my big ol' Old English Sheepdog and I eagerly awaited Animal Control.
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2 months ago
I'm so glad you were able to rescue yourself and Cooper, but I can't help but feel a bit sorry for the crazy little white dog. Bummer you couldn't find out where he really belongs. Did Animal Control come pick him up for you? Did he have a collar with tags?
Oh, girl -- how crazy! I would have flipped out. I had a staring contest with a frequently friendly chihuahua this morning, and that was disturbing enough for me. (He's the neighbor's dog who had escaped from their fence. I was worried he might get cold since the weather was supposed to get so bad. I thought I'd risk a bite and take him a blanket, but then he found his way back into the yard. I told them about it this afternoon, but they weren't too concerned. Next time, I won't be either.)
Don't mess with a stressed out mama with unpacking to do...and gardening tools in her hand too! :-) That is hilarious Amy! Glad you are safe!
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