We have spent a lot of time at my sister's house lately. I have been honored to help Sara get ready for the arrival of Sweet Ainsley, celebrate her birth, and help her adjust (in some small way) to life as a family of four. That meant that my little family has been to Oklahoma 3 times in the last month... which was a bit of a stretch in comfort for the kids. As we were driving home last night, Allie asked if we could stop at the state line and take some pictures. I think that we were all glad to be home.
We LOVE Texas!

~ the "Silly Picture" ~

~ back in the Lone Star State ~

I love TX too. I am glad that you guys stopped for those pictures, they are great.
We love Texas too! It's big, it's beautifu, it's home. l Love the pics of the kids embracing the great Lone Star State. :0) Wonder if Sassy got the Texas dirt out from under her pillow after delivery? If she didn't, I wonder what the cleaning lady thought when she found it. There's a girl here at work who has lived everywhere and this is her first time to live in Texas. Upon hearing about the ziplock bag of Texas dirt, she just shook her head and said, "It's a whole new world here in this place."
Great pictures!
Those will be useful when one of the kiddos has to complete a State of Texas project for school!
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