Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cooper Words

Here are some of the things that Cooper has said in the last couple of days that have made me laugh...

The kids were sitting at the dinner table last night, and Allie & Jack were discussing the election.  (They were both really into the election!  It was so cool!)  They asked Cooper who he wanted to win and without skipping a beat, he said, "The Cowboys".

This morning Cooper was asking for cereal... "I want Lucky Larms.  I mean Chucky Charms."  (See this post for more funny cereal talk from Cooper.)

Tonight Cooper and I went on a date... well, we were stuck on the other side of town waiting for Allie be done at church, and we both are a little under the weather, so we went to Jason's Deli for soup... I told him it was a date.  ;)  Anyway --- we were sitting at our table waiting for our food when out of no where he said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"  I laughed so hard!  I have never heard him use that phrase.  By the way, he was thinking about a "tickle monster", "the Jonas Brothers", and a "tooty monster".  Of course.


Courtney said...

Kids say the cutest things and it seems Cooper has LOTS of cute things to say. What a fun kid!

chelsea rose said...

Very cute, I love it. My students (Grades K, 1, and 2) say some of the most amazingly funny things. I can only imagine what kinds of things are said when you spend all day everyday with a kid:)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I love it ... thanks for sharing those funnies!

Amanda said...

That boy is always good for blog fodder. He is so funny!

Mama Jeannie said...

Oh my goodness. That Cooper boy. He is one of the funniest kids I've ever known. Made me laugh outloud.

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