Last week I took the kids on a field trip with Jack's class to Medieval Times. Corey & I had been a long, long... long time ago (Yep, we're that old.), but the kids had never been. This year, Jack's class is studying the Medieval period of history, so I thought that it would be fun and educational to visit our local castle for the dinner & tournament. It was really fun, and I highly recommend it!
Before we were seated in the arena, the kids met the king and the princess.

~ me & my little prince ~

Jack loved all of it... even the "dirt water" that our "winch" served us.
By the way, the dirt water tasted a bit like Pepsi. :)

~ Allie eating and cheering for our blue knight ~
We got lucky and were seated on the first row, so we had a great view of the performance.
At Medieval Times, all of the food that is served is eaten with your hands which is very fun for the kids. Something that was not so fun for me - the 1/4 of a chicken that was tossed on to each of our plates. We never (seriously, never) eat meat on bones in our house. I just think that it is gross. But being the mom that I am ;) I picked all 3 of my children's chicken from the bone for their lunch. It was one of those mom-things that I am sure that I would not have been able to do if they had not been my hungry kids. I think I earned a star in my mom-crown that day.

~ all of the knights ~

~ my kids on the drawbridge ~

~ the kids that I drove to the field trip ~
(mine plus friends, Erin & Brady)

When we got home (and for days afterward) Cooper has played "knight". It has been so cute! When I went to the backyard to take a picture of him, he made this face at me. I said, "smile", and he said, "I'm the blue knight. THIS is the face that I make." And off he rode...

(You think that our bouncy horse has seen its better days?)
What a fun field trip. I was with you and Corey a long, long, long time ago and I am not old thank you very much ;) I love that Coop is playing knight and pretends so seriously.
That would be a fun field trip! We've never been there because someone told us it was like eating a steak dinner in a stable. For some reason, we've just never been able to give it a chance.
As for the meat on bones things, I had no idea you had that little aversion. Interesting...
I wanna go there! What a fun fun day. For a mom... you rock Amos.
:0) I have no idea where that meat on the bone aversion came from either and I'm your mom! Oh well, at least your were able to push through and feed your hungry children. Actually, generally speaking of course, most meat is better and more tender when cooked on the bone for some reason. Maybe you'll start doing that regularly. ha-ha Loved Cooper's imaginary land of castles, knights and valiant steeds. ..."and off he rode".
Correction, I frequently eat meat on bones.
What a fun time! I thought of you last night as we were eating fried chicken ... you would've hated it! :)
Well, at least you married someone who is almost normal.
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