Last night was another Padres game. Jack was playing my favorite position - Catcher. I love it for no other reason than the fact that he looks so dadgum cute in the catcher's gear. I was so glad that I had happened to bring my camera.
(I love the gum in his mouth on this one.
I kept waiting for him to blow a bubble, but he never did.)

We were surprised when Cousin Claire and her mom & dad showed up on their bikes. The field that Jack was playing at is pretty close to their house. How cool to have family that can just drop in!

I Love (with a capital "L") the look on Cooper's face as he was running to me in these pictures!

When he is concentrating, Coop uses his tongue these days. :)
Last night he was concentrating on learning to climb the dug-out.
(It is a right-of-passage for all little brothers at a baseball game.)

~The Huddle~
Those pictures are so cute! I agree about catcher's gear ... it's so stinkin' cute on them!
I literally got a lump in my throat at not getting to come see Jack play baseball and spend that wonderful time with family. Surely we can get up there before his season is over. A&E and Claire are so lucky to be able to hop on their bikes and surprise you. I guess I'm a little jealous. :0) You're right... Jack is soooo cute in his catcher's gear. I can't believe how much he's growing up! Amazing!!
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