I just have to brag for a minute...
Tonight Jack had a baseball game at 6pm. Corey had been working in the city - about an hour from home - all day long, but the man just almost won't miss anything that his kids do, so he loaded up in rush-hour traffic and headed to the ballpark to watch his little boy play. He made it just in time to see a bit of the last of the game - just in time for Jack to know that his daddy loves him enough to make it to his game, no matter what. When I saw Corey at the game he told me that he had found out that he got the big client that he has been working on for a while. I was so proud of him. He has worked hard at pursuing them, all the while, knowing that God is in control, and if He doesn't want Corey to have that particular client - or any certain client - he doesn't want them either. No matter the loss in income. He's got faith that amazes me! Anyway, we were very excited about the new deal and went to dinner to celebrate. While there, Corey told us that he had not finished what he had to do at the job that he had been at today, so he had to go back - an hour away - and finish tonight. He wouldn't even be able to get started until after 10pm. I have said it before, and I will say it again... and again... The man is the hardest worker I have ever seen. Well, he is rubbing off on his son. When Corey came home to change clothes before he left for work again, Jack changed clothes too and gathered a pillow, a blanket, and his Gameboy and went "to work" with his daddy. Some might think that that is crazy - to drive hours out of the way in the middle of work for your kid's game or to let an 8-year-old go "to work" in the middle of the night - but I think that it is amazing. What an example of priorities is my little Jack getting from his daddy tonight?!? You put family first, you work hard, you do what it takes to spend time together... I am truly blessed to have the man that I have.
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2 months ago
That is such a sweet post, Amy. I'm so happy for you! What treasures you have! Thanks for sharing!
Great job Corey!! We are proud of you! You really are so good at making sure that your kids know how important they are to you, they are super blessed!
I am blown away by your love for Corey and your children; amazed and beyond thankful for how Corey loves you and his kids. What a testimony of the power of love God is molding and perfecting in your family. A testimony that is and will continue to bless and motivate others to press into Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Corey, I am so proud of you for so many reasons. I am thankful that God gave you favor with your new client and they will be blessed to have you serving them. You have learned and walked out what it means to be a servant leader so well and many of us are learning from you. Praise God Jack is watching his daddy.
WTG Corey!!! That's awesome! And what a sweet daddy you are too...
First of all, what a wonderful post, and what a sweet daddy. It's hard when you live an uncoventional life with an unconventional job to maintain those closse bonds. So awesome that Corey goes out of his way.
Secondly, girl, WHAT IN THE WORLD are you doing to your font? Where's the spacing my eyes need? So I need to hack into your blog again? Don't make me come in there!
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