Yesterday Allie and I had a super-great day! My mom treated my sisters, sis-in-law, Allie, and me to a girly day for Emily's birthday. I think it was a first... and it was a hit! We started the day by getting pedicures. Awww! Pedicures! I have only had a couple of pedicures in my life... the last one was 3 years ago (and for you new readers or those that don't remember the status of my feet, I wear flip-flops almost every day), so boy! was a pedicure needed! The poor gal had to break out the big guns to work on my calluses... I know. That's gross. Moving on... after the pedis we went for a girly lunch at La Madeline, and I ate my FAVorite soup in the world (Tomato Basil). It was so good to relax and actually eat a slow-paced meal without anyone to watch or feed besides myself. After that we were off to a beautiful park to give Em her gifts and... play a game of croquet. Yes, I said croquet. I must admit, I was a bit nervous about the idea of playing a game that I have not played since I was about 10 years old... in a public park, but we ended up having a great time. Lots of laughs. Lots! And did I mention I came in 3rd place? We followed that up with a movie. We went to see Leatherheads which I think is hilarious... Of all the things to choose from, we girls went to see a football movie on our girly-day-out! But it was good. (And it had Jim in it... You know, from The Office? I love him!) After that, we came home... We went back to real life and family and feeding people and sippy cups and "the potty" and breaking up fights over Fisher-Price toys. Motherhood. I love it. It is funny how I miss my family when I am away from them. No matter how much fun I am having. There is just no where else on Earth that I am more comfortable than in my home with my little family of 5, so this morning as Corey and I sat outside and shared a cup of coffee, I was refreshed and happy. And ready to take on another day.
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2 months ago
what a good day. girl days are always fun and usually needed :) what a good mama to take care of her girls!
Sweet! Gotta love a good pedi. Glad you had fun!
Sounds like a fun day. I know you needed it!
How fun!! Seems like the perfect way to spend the day.
It was sucha great day! Thanks for spending it with me.
You are so welcome, but the going and doing of the day would not have been worth a flip without all my girls, so THANK YOU Emily, Amy, Sara, Adrielle, and Allie!! :0) Croquet really was a hoot, wasn't it? All you bloggy-types should try it. A great fam. thing to do... right up there with miniature golf... maybe better. I will caution you however, to find a much smoother piece of sod on which to set up your game than what we found.
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