Cooper still takes a nap most every day... or at least he spends a couple of hours in his bed each afternoon where he is supposedto be taking a nap. Today, however, naptime was not in the cards for him. By the time I had to keep him up to go get the big kids from school, rush home to get Jack changed into his baseball uniform, run to WalMart to get snacks for the baseball team, and make it to the baseball game in time for Jack to warm up... there was no time for a nap for little Cooper. Normally, that would mean that we come straight home from the game, quickly feed him a peanut butter sandwich (or something equally as fast) and put him to bed before the "I didn't have a nap today" behavior emerges. Tonight though, we left the game and headed to a restaurant for a "Daddy got a new client" dinner celebration! (WAY TO GO COREY!!!) It was risky, but he made it through the meal with the only melt-down occurring when the waiter took his plate at the end of dinner. (Man, you don't mess with Cooper's food!) We got home, and I was all gung-ho and ready to tuck him in for the night until he said in the cutest voice ever... "Are you guys watching American Idol? Can I watch it with you?"... as he climbed up into the pile o' people on the couch. Still, I would have put him in his bed at a commercial if he hadn't been so dadgum adorable... There is nothing cuter than a 2-year-old saying, "I like Randy Jackson." And the fact that he knows and can say "Syesha"and "David Archuleta" is just hilarious to us... SO... He stayed up - like the 10-year-old that he thinks he is - and watched American Idol... until he fell asleep in my arms. That is a rare occurrence, and I love it when it happens! And since he was sleeping where we could see him (as opposed to in his crib), we were finally able to get a picture of his "new thing". Sucking his thumb! The poor baby hurt one of the fingers that he typically sucks a week ago, and ever since he has whole-heartedly sucked his thumb. I didn't even know that kids would start that at almost 3 years old! But he did... Here's what the cutie looks like when he is doing it...

Awww! Great picture! You guys are such a neat family! I love hearing your stories! I'm amazed at what Cooper can say too! How old is he? Nathan can barely go without his nap too. :o)
What a cutie!
love it...the thumb sucking, the American Idol fan, the attachment to food...all of it
Oh my goodness! How I do love that little Cooper guy.
awww. That is so cute.
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