Thursday Allie's class had Famous Texan Day where her classmates and she had to dress as their assigned famous Texan and give a presentation about their life for their parents, classmates, and teacher. Allie was assigned Carol Burnett. At first I wondered how my little shy one was going to pull off a Tarzan yellin' red headed comedienne, but she did so so well! She wore her red wig and "Bob Mackie" dress with confidence and delivered a flawless speech. Corey and I were very proud of her!

Carol Burnett & Mary Kay Ash (otherwise known as Julianne) ~

So glad to hear it went well... I was wondering.
Allie looks so cute in that wig. I'm glad it went well!
Hey, glad to see one of Em's prom dresses revived and up to the task. Allie, you look so cute. Loved the wig, the dress, but your best asset is definitely your smile. You are so beautiful!! Wish I could have been there to see your presentation. Carol Burnett would be honored to know someone of your character, expertise, and beauty would want to share a little something about her life I think.
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