Today I went through 3 boxes that I discovered after the move.
I thought that I had gotten rid of all of Allie's clothes that were not keepsakes, but as we were going through the mountain of boxes that were hastily moved and shoved into our new garage, I found 3 boxes of clothes and shoes that were hers. I had saved them. That is what I do. Save stuff... for "just in case"... and because I get attached... really attached... to the memories that are tied to things. As my sister-in-law and I were going through the boxes to see if there were things that she might want for her little girl, I walked down memory lane in my head as each article of clothing was pulled from the box and evaluated. I was surprised at how I vividly I remembered my sweet little curly headed girl in almost each and every outfit. I remember pushing her in her navy blue stroller as I bought most of the things in those boxes. I remember how special it was when I actually bought her something at the Gymboree store as opposed to the thrift stores and garage sales that her clothes usually came from. (She was the best little shopper! She still is!) I remember the way that her hair was fixed when she wore certain things. I remember that she wore a hat with others. I remember dressing her in the little watermelon-collared dresses that I had always dreamed of dressing my little girl in. I remember her little bitty body in a little bitty leotard when she first started taking gymnastics. I remember the picnic that we had and the park that we were at when she wore one shirt. I could almost smell her sweet little girl scent as I looked at the green overalls that she wore the night that she stayed up until 3:00 in the morning to meet her new baby brother. I remember her wearing the "spinning dress" and the dress that she wore to hunt Easter eggs in that year.
I know that these "things" are not the things that are important to most people, but to me - for whatever reason - they are treasured. They remind me of my true treasures... and how quickly they go from the baby section to the big girl section in the department store... and in life.
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2 months ago
I am so glad that you found more memories today. It is so funny how your little descriptions of the clothes brought back vivid memories for me as well.
It has been a reoccuring theme the lsat couple of weeks to hear parents talk about how fast time flies in this parenting world. I think that Someone is trying to remind me to be thankful everyday for the moments I am sharing with my baby girl.
I'm welling up with tears right now just thinking of my Gracie and the memories of her in her sweet little outfits. Time flies way, way, way too fast.
What a sweet entry Amy. I too am feeling like Emily did as she read what you wrote. I remember that little curly headed Allie girl... was it really that long ago? Time is a wonder, isn't it?
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