Cooper is doing great at the potty-training thing. (Sorry Chariti! You got to have your baby first, I got to potty-train mine first. :)) He has only had 2 accidents since he has been trained... and they were when I was too distracted and forgot that he was in undies. He is even making it through the night and his naps dry almost always. I am amazed and take little credit. My only rationale is that the first two kids gave me a run for my money, so the third one "owed me one". (Isn't that how this parenting thing works?) Anyway... the only hang-up that we have right now is that he sometimes decides that he does not want to wear underwear - or anything else - while we are at home. Tonight, I found him with nothing on his bottom half (again) and said, "Cooper, you need to go put underwear on." He said, "Are you crazy?!? No I don't." Holding back a laugh..."Oh really? Why not?", I asked. He answered in his 'Mawwm, I-can't-believe-that-you-don't-know-this voice'... "Because, I am a robot." Okay, I'll play along... "Well, robots wear underwear, Cooper." Then I laughed out loud at the statement that I had just made.
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2 months ago
He is the funniest kid! I am actually laughing out loud and I probably will again when I read Allan this story after he comes back down from bedtime.
Duh, all robots wear underwear, I can't believe that he didn't know that ;)
Oh my word, that's funny Amy.
Cooper's one crazy kid! I can't believe how well he's doing on the potty train!
That's so funny! And you're right ... robots always wear undies!
Cooper! That funny funny kid. Of course Robots don't wear underwear. What planet were all of you born on? :0)
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