I am a copy-cat. At least today I am, anyway. I just read my little sister's blog, and she copied an idea from a blog that she (and I) read (and that person, Angela, copied the idea too)... so I want to get in on the copy-catting. (I bet you'll want to copy me too.) So, here's the deal... Emily has asked her readers to ask her anything that they want to know about her... trivial things or the big, bad, deep stuff. I think I am up for that too... we'll see. So, go right ahead. Ask me anything that you want to know about me, and maybe - just maybe - I'll answer your questions. (If I don't chicken out.) I am an "open book" - kinda... as long as I am the one deciding what page to turn to, and I know who is reading me. :) Not so much the "library book" that anyone can check out and flip through.
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2 months ago
I know what you mean Amy. I'm definitely an open book, but not sure I want to give over control to any reader. So, my question is... what would you love to tell me that makes you smile more than just about anything? I know three things would be Allie, Jack, and Cooper, but what else?
* what is your favorite thing to eat?
* what is your favorite tree?
* who was your first best friend?
* what is your favorite restaurant?
* what has been one of your most embarrassing moments?
* what has been one of your favorite life moments?
Thinking... be back after I do some logarithms.
Hey, do you know how to logarithims? If so, how soon can you get to my house? :)
(Those aren't my real questions...)
Here goes:
* What was your favorite toy as a child?
* Which do you prefer: card games or board games?
* Do you prefer communicating through the phone, internet, or face to face?
* If Cooper had been a girl, what would "her" name have been?
* Which would you rather have: a Sonic drink or a Starbucks?
* If you could play any instrument well what would it be?
* If you could go on any reality show which one would it be?
I'm copying, too!! Hey, Jenny, great questions!!!
Here's what I want to know:
What qualities do you appreciate the most in Corey?
What is the best memory of your life?
What did you think you'd be doing in your life by this time in your marriage when you first got married, or did you even think about it?
How is it what you thought it would be?
How is it better than what you thought?
** Other than being a wife and mother, what is your dream job?
** What book is your favorite?
** Do you have a gross restaurant experience? Explain.
** Have you thought about what you will do when your kids go to college? What are your plans?
** Do you have a favorite Bible Study? What is it, and why?
** What is the most exotic food you've eaten?
** What is your position on Heinz ketchup?
* If you had three wishes (small or big) what would they be? Are these the same three wishes you would have made ten years ago? (question stolen from Amanda on my blog)
* What is your perfect day?
* What would you change about your relationship with your family? What do you appreciate about it?
* What is your favorite thing about having a sister still in her twenties? hehehehe
What is your favorite thing about having a sister still in her twenties? hehehehe
Oooooo, Emily... You're EVIL. :)
-How did you come about owning such a big dog?
-How did your dog get his/her name?
-If you could redecorate your bedroom, what would it look like?
-What is your favorite flower?
-Have you ever cursed? This week? :-)
-What is your dream vacation with your hubby?
-What is your dream vacation for your family?
-When you are old, will you color your hair, or let it go gray? Will you wear it long or short? And will you go to the salon to get it rolled? ha.
-What is the most romantic thing Corey has done for you? And you for him?
-How's your relationship with God today?
love you girly!
What puts you in a good mood? ...that best mood?
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