Yesterday we had a baby shower for my sister, Sara, to celebrate her and her baby girl, Ainsley Grace. It was a fun time with family and friends. Sara is already a super-great mommy to Asher and has been a wonderful aunt for almost 12 years. I am so glad that she is about to get to experience the joy that it is to be the mommy to a little girl! There is just something special about it!
~my mom and her girls... with their girls~
Now all 3 of my siblings and I have baby girls! (some more "baby" than others) Little Miss Skyler is missing from this girly-photo-shoot. She stayed back with the daddies and the boys... just to keep an eye on things. ;)
~me and my baby girl~

~the oldest cousin & the youngest cousin~

~more of our family's girls~
We were happy that our Aunt Stella and cousins Kasi & Krysla could make it to the shower!

~Asher & Sara~
Someone had to keep an eye on the girls... Asher was the man for the job.

I love you Sara!
I can't wait to meet your little one!
What a blessing that you all have girls ... that's really neat. So happy for your sister!
hmmm... maybe some girl juice will rub off on me next time I'm around you... :-)
It was a sweet shower for a sweet friend! So glad she's having a girl- can't imagine her NOT having a little girl!
That's so awesome...all those girls. Congrats to your sister, and to you Auntie!
What a sweet time of celebration. Congratulations, Sara (and family)!
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