Our kids love one-on-one time with their mom & dad! I think that all kids probably do. Corey & I do our best to take our kids on "dates" as often as possible to show them that we care about doing things with them that they enjoy and to cultivate a relationship with them that will someday be a deep friendship. So far, those dates have been with the "big kids", but last night Cooper got his turn. Jack was away from home, and Allie needed some alone time with me, so that left Corey & Cooper alone at home. Just for fun, I thought that I would see if there was anything at the dollar theatre for them to see together. Speed Racer was showing. Cooper is a HUGE Speed Racer fan! Corey jumped on the idea to take Cooper to the movie theatre and spend some one-on-one time with him, and Cooper was beyond THRILLED to have his first "Daddy Date".

That's so great!
I L-O-V-E these pictures of Corey and Cooper!! They are treasures. I also love that you and Corey take the time and make the effort to be so involved with your kids and make them feel special. You are both great parents.
I LOVE this!!!! You and Corey are amazing parents. The way you give such heartfelt exceeding abundant love to your kids is so... so.... well, for lack of a better word... admirable. As Allie, Jack, and Cooper's Gibbie, let's just say, I am thankful for you... more than you can know.
Those pictures are SO SWEET - and he IS HILARIOUS!!!
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