Today I checked in on a blog that I love to frequent... a lot of times I go there to look at her photography (this girl's got talent) and sometimes it is for insight into her perspectives on motherhood (she is a great and inspiring mom) and other times it is for her insight into deep and thought provoking things. Today's post was the latter. I am so sad for this sweet lady as she is making sense of the loss of her little one, and I am inspired by the clarity with which she sees the purpose in it all.
You should take a look at her post entitled "Real Life Monday" written on July 21, 2008.
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2 months ago
I'd wondered if you had read her blog lately. I'm so sad for her.
What a beautiful blog; what a beautiful family who lives to give God glory in whatever situation they find themselves. I looked at some of the other posts and videos as well. How fun and isn't she a great photographer Amy? A woman after your own heart. But how sad that she and her family are having to go through such sorrow over the loss of this little one they've never seen. I'm sure you know exactly how to pray for her.
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