Monday, July 28, 2008

My Favorite Quote Of The Day...

... make that the middle of the night

Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together,
certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
keep what is worth keeping,
and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.
~Dinah Craik

I have a problem... 

I either keep everything I am thinking inside and mull it over endlessly, or I spew it out at someone that I love and trust... and someone that loves me in spite of my spew-ful self.  

I don't like that about me.  

Sometimes I hate it.

I am working on that.  

But for now, I am thankful for you... my spew-accepting friend... for loving me in spite of my shortcomings.  There are not many people that I am brave enough to show my ugliness to, and I am thankful for you.

Thank you for "blowing the rest away".


Mama Jeannie said...

What a beautiful quote. Reminds me of what it is to be called a child and friend of the King. Jesus does just what this quote declares, doesn't He? He sees our ugliness, listens, and blows the chaff away by the fogiveness of His loving-kindness. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother and loves us with purity of heart in spite of our flaws and weaknesses. His love is unconditional and there is no shadow of turning in Him. Thank God! Thank you so much for sharing this Amy. I am blessed to hear it, since I am one of those flaw-filled human beings.

chariti said...

I love this quote. I think I'll print it and hang it around me to remember to be both the friend that listens and the friend that shares.

Corey Powell said...

what ever happened to "makes you laugh monday"?

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