After only 2 hours of sleep Thursday night, Corey and I made it to New Orleans a little before noon on Friday. I must admit that around midnight when I still had a mountain of work ahead of me, I had some doubts if I had made a good decision to come on this trip, - it is always so much work to leave the family (not to mention that it is the last week of school for the kids) - but today I can say that I am glad that I am here.
Day 1:
I wonder if anyone will ever visit this city again without the word Katrina coming out of their mouth or thoughts of hurricanes whipping through their head. As we rode in a taxi to our hotel from the airport Corey asked the driver if "this area" was affected by Hurricane Katrina. He simply and seriously said, "It was all affected." He told us how he had taken his 5 children and escaped the storm. On the horizon I saw the Superdome - that place where anger and loss of innocence and indifference dwelt after the hurricane - and the scenes from that tragic summer 3 years ago flooded my mind. I had a newborn baby that summer, and I vividly remember sitting in a rocking chair with him for what seemed like days as I watched the heartbreak and sadness turn into a nightmare beyond belief for the people of New Orleans. I was almost unable to turn my head and not look. Yesterday, as we were driving on the crowded highway that passes the Superdome I recalled the shots on TV of people wandering down that same very deserted road - on foot, with a trash bag full of their belongings, with no help in sight. As I remembered, I cried. When we pulled up to a street light pole that had the normal "So-and-So's Lawmowing Service" signs, I noticed handmade signs advertising house-gutting and remodeling that had joined them. A whole city trying to find a "new normal"...
We reached our hotel, checked in, and headed out to find lunch. There are so many choices. (And from what the locals say, they are all good.) We ate in a beautiful courtyard then headed to what I was informed was "a must" (Thank you, Randi.) ... Cafe Du Mond. Oh, the cafe au lait and beignets! Delicious! We sat on the patio, and enjoyed our dessert, and just as I was about to say, "I wish there was a street musician playing right now.", a little group of them appeared. It was perfect! The lead singer sang several things. "What A Wonderful World" was my favorite... Then he sang "When the Saints Go Marching In". Of course. The guide to the city that I had read had said that Cafe Du Monde is the best people-watching place in the French Quarter, and I think that it was right. There was lots to watch - that is for sure! The thing about this area is that you cannot pinpoint the "kind of people" that are here. There are the yuppies that have bought the near-dilapidated apartments and have had them remodeled that are walking around looking like a page from a fashion magazine, mixed with the homeless, mixed with the hippies, mixed with the tourists, mixed with the old-fashioned southern ladies and gentlemen, mixed with the pierced and tattooed people, mixed with little old flip-flop-wearing me. My mind could not quite figure out what was going on. Then there is the architecture... same thing. There are some of the most beautiful buildings and iron work that I have ever seen right next to the buildings in ruins. Kind of odd and enchanting all at the same time. The trees and flowers are beautiful - probably because of the intense humidity. (yes, pictures to follow when I get home) All in all, it was a great afternoon getting to know New Orleans.
When we got back to the hotel we napped for a bit... Awww, napping. I love napping! Then, we went to a reception for Corey's conference. A jazz band played, we looked at the Mississippi River from a veranda, we talked to our sweet kiddos on the phone, and Corey exchanged a lot of information with other computer guys. (It sounded a bit like a foriegn language to me.)
This morning, he was out the door early for his meetings, and I am on my own until this evening. I am not sure what I am going to do today... Read a book or a magazine? Take a long hot bath? Go for a stroll along the river? Do a bit of shopping? Get a pedicure? Go see a movie? Take a nap? Awww, choices! (I love choices too.)
(Hi Allie! I know you're reading this - checking up on your ol' mama. :) Tell the boys that I said hi! I love and miss you all a ton!)
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2 months ago
Girl, that sounds so fun and relaxing! Enjoy every moment of it. Your writing about Katrina and the new normal for NOLA is amazing. Very moving, Amy.
Already it sounds like a great trip. I'm so glad you got to go.
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