This morning I decided to spend some special time with my kids. I think that the emotions and events that I talked about in my last post were overwhelming me, and I knew that I had to get out of the house and focus on my children - my gifts from God. I had to seize the day with them. I could not spend this day doing the laundry and dishes that I had planned to do. Today had to be different. So... we headed to 6 Flags.
A few years ago I don't think that I would have braved it alone. I might have been intimidated by doing an amusement park alone with the kids. I might have thought that spending half a day in Looney Tune Land might be boring. I might have thought that it was too hot or too expensive or too inconvenient or too crowded or too... But today, it was perfect. It was necessary. There was nothing to do except spend time with my little ones. No one to talk to except them. So we talked. No one to laugh with except them. So we laughed. No one to ride rides with except them. So we rode. Our day revolved around being together. That is all. It was excellent. Don't get me wrong. There was still plenty of sweating going on, an extraordinarily long potty break where I lost my temper and unbelievably said, "If you don't hurry up and poop, you are going to be in trouble", and a few fights to break up... but it was us. Us, doing life together.
The highlight of the day - Jack and I rode the newest 6 Flags roller coaster together. Tony Hawk's Big Spin. It was awesome! It was so fantastic to ride a big coaster with my boy! It is a 4-seated ride, and we rode it with two girls that we did not know. One of them told Jack, "You are so lucky that your mom will ride roller coaters with you. Mine won't." I wanted to say, "No, I am the lucky one." It was so great to stand in that line with him as we held on to each other with a bit of anxiety and anticipation. Not knowing exactly what the ride was going to be like. It was hilarious to scream our way through the whole ride together. Well, I SCREAMED. He YELLED, "Yes! Yes! This is so cool!" One of the cool things about it is that the ride videos you the entire time. Where some roller coasters take your picture, this one documents the whole hilarious ride. Afterwards, you can buy it for a mere $19.99. I don't know why you would though... the clip of ours that we saw was horribly hysterical. I looked like I had just eaten the most sour pickle ever while seeing the Lockness monster in person. Scary!
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2 months ago
I love that you did this with your kids today. Good for you for seizing the moment with your blessings. They are lucky to have a mom that will make the effort to have special times doing stuff that they love to do (not that you mind it at all). I wish I could have seen the video of the ride =)
What a special day! Yea for you, Amy! Your kids are so BLESSED!
Good for you. Totally had an emotional day with my kids too...hugged them a little closer.
Glad you did something fun! I HAD to do laundry, etc. our fun is coming tomorrow.
What a fun day!
I love that your spent a day away from the everyday enjoying life with your kids. Despite the ups and downs, I know some sweet memories were made.
Amy, how fabulous that you let go of the oridinary to make an exceptional day for your kids. You gave them all of you for one whole day. Not that you don't do that more consistently than most moms I know, but I think God truly gave you wisdom after the heartbreak you experienced yesterday and you were obedient to follow His lead. I love you.
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