Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Shot To The Heart

This morning I was helping Jack with his homework - a thank-you letter to the principal of his school.  I wanted to confirm that he had spelled his closing correctly, so I asked Allie (who was also working on a letter writing assignment), "How do you spell 'sincerely'?"  (I just wanted to make sure that I was right.)  Jack was amazed... He exclaimed, "You don't know how to spell that?!?!  Mrs. Sullivan does, and she is a lot younger than you!" 

Oh, the pain!


Emily said...

That is HI-FREAKIN-LARIOUS!!! You are one old fart ;)

Mama Jeannie said...

Before you know they'll be asking how it was 'back in the old days'. So funny.

Amanda said...

Oh good gracious. That boy...

Last night, Gracie and I were standing in line at a crowded deli counter, when she turned to me and said (in a pretty loud voice), "You're still 31, right?" Gah!

Elizabeth said...

:-) Too funny!!! If you're old, then I'm dead. Right?

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Who knew there was a direct correlation between age and spelling ability?

Julie said...

Sorry, but I had to laugh out loud at that one!
Where does he come up with this great stuff?

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