Somehow my sister, Sweet Sara, missed the first time that I asked for permission to include those that read my blog/ friends/ family on the blogroll on the side of my blog. Here it is again... bumped to today to give you all another chance to be part of the linking fun.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Question For My Readers...
... doesn't that make me sound famous? :)
I have not had a list of my family's & friend's (those I really know and those I don't) blogs on mine up to this point, but I am considering adding one now. If you would like to/ wouldn't mind being on my blogroll, would you leave me a quick comment and let me know that it is okay with you for me to add you. If you don't want to be on the list, that is fine. Thanks!
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2 months ago
Well, I feel sheepish...=) hahaha
Why don't you have me linked in? I've been blogging longer than any of you chicks.
I would love it!
It's great with me!
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