Sad. That is how I feel right now. We typically don't have the news on at our house, but last night my family was watching the news about American Idol when the news caster came on with "This just in... Steven Curtis Chapman's 5 year old daughter was killed this evening." I was shocked. I started to cry. Corey brought our family together to pray for theirs. I continued to cry... and never stopped until I fell asleep. I am crying again this morning as I look at things about Sweet Maria online. There are videos of her standing on the bed - her stage - singing a Hannah Montana song, a video of her and Steven doing dishes together, and tons of pictures of their extraordinary yet ordinary family doing the things that my family does. Loving each other the way that my family does. But today - and forever - their family is different. I am heartbroken for them. Of course I don't know them, and I don't know exactly why, but today this tragedy hits a little too close to home.
What an emotional rollercoaster yesterday was - Going from the significant and happy event in my family's life - A new baby. A new life! - to the insignificant yet fun event of Who will be the next American Idol? to the news of this terrible tragedy in another family. Sometimes the ups and downs of life are almost too much.
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2 months ago
It is TERRIBLE!!! I am so sad for them too. Allan and I prayed for them as well as I am sure that many others have done and will continue to do. I am sorry that it has hit you so hard.
It's a terrible tragedy. I just can't imagine.
I found out only this morning on my way to work as I was listening to the news on AFR Radio. I was shocked and wondered how the earth dare continue to turn when tragedy hits so hard. I guess the birds singing, the clouds floating across the sky and the sunshine remind us of God's grace and that His purposes and plans are still in place no matter what life on this earth hurls at us or those we love and admire. I love your heart Amy. In times like these I just have to say, "God please fill my heart with Your joy once more even when it hurts."
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