~Jack's buddies - before school on the last day~

~Jack getting his award from the principal~
(She was Allie's kindergarten teacher and has loved on our kids for 6 years.)
Also, before the ceremony Jack's teacher gave each a student a character award.
He was presented with an award for "Obedience". We are very proud of him for that!

During the awards ceremony, each class presents something.
Jack's class said the Greek alphabet. I was impressed!

~Cooper trying to stay occupied during the ceremony~
(Thank goodness for Happy Meal toys!)

Allie was recognized as Cum Laude. We are so proud of her for that!
Also, when her teacher was recognizing each student she said 3 phrases that described them. For Allie, she said, "Warm hearted, thoughtful, and she has a lot of perseverance." I bawled at that! To have someone love my kids, praise them, and encourage them, I cannot begin to express my gratitude. And, we are more proud of those character traits that Allie displayed to her teacher than any medal she could have earned. (Although the medal is nice too!)

~Some of Allie's classmates~
(She has been friends with the girl on the far left since preschool and with the girl 3rd from the left since birth.)

~My 3rd Grader & 6th Grader~

As we do every year, we went for ice cream to celebrate after the last day of school.

And here is what our "Special Plate" looks like today...

Yay for summer break! Your kids did great - and how neat to hear their teachers say such great things about their character.
Hooray, and congratulations to all of you!
What fun!!! Congrats on making it through another year! Look out summahtime!
I am so very proud of you Allie and Jack!! You worked so hard, persevered, made good character choices and I'm sure your accomplishments have made God smile. Good job and Happy Summer! I'll see you soon soon soon when you come to welcome your newest cousin, Chloe Grace. I love you all. Gibbie
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